Following the Ignuk village community workshop on 30th October, 2017 with Hope for the Widows and Orphans Ministries (HWOM) – Cameroon on ‘Finding lasting Solutions to Widowhood Problems in Mbumland’, the following resolutions were arrived at by all present.





In reaching out to those in need in our communities, CHARITY and EMPOWERMENT are both necessary but they each have their space. The giver must discern the time to give fish and the time to teach the skill of fishing! This will avoid creating the crutch of dependency for the beneficiary. This is the approach HoWiCo uses in reaching out to poor widows and orphans to avoid total dependency on public charity and promote sustainable development.

Success Story 1: Edward, taken from the street and transformed into a proprietor now assisting others!

 “I was brought to this Ministry by a pastor who took me from the street in 2006 (picture 1). They cleaned me, gave me a change of clothes, comforted me, fed me, counseled me, encouraged me and prayed for him. With continuous encouragement, I decided that I was going to learn Motor Mechanics. They went with me to a renown garage in town and paid my apprenticeship fee (picture 2). I was serious with my training (3) and graduated after three years with a Diploma in Motor Mechanics (picture 4). I was committed in serving God (5) and beginning to have a sense of fulfillment.

While still working with the proprietor of the garage, I told the Ministry that I wanted to enroll in an evening school and upgrade myself so that I could gain a better employment with a big company as their mechanic. They accepted and paid my tuition. I studied so hard and obtained my GCE “O” and “A” Levels within a few years (Picture 6).

I continued to work with my Trainer. When I had saved some money, I decided to open my own garage  and now, I own a Motor Mechanic Garage of my own.. Thank you Hope for Widows and oprhans for giving me hope for a good future. I am grateful. May God bless you!”



“I have Christ, a diploma in motor mechanics,   GCE O/L,  GCE A/L

I own a motor garage of my own and training other orphans”



What a great transformation! Congratulations Edward for making good use of our assistance! We are very proud of you!



Marceline’s testimony

Marceline is one of HoWiCo success stories. We call her, THE WOMAN WITH MANY HANDS!

As a result of the so many challenges widows in Cameroon face, most of them end up in abject poverty living in great misery. Many of them depend on public charity that always come with strings attached. Such dependence earns them a lot of criticisms; they are despised and marginalized in their communities; and they end up in low self-esteem. Hope for Widows and the community (HoWiCo) Cameroon puts in efforts through education, training, encouragement and some financial support to help those women who are still physically strong to become economically independent and become better in life. Our experience of working with these women has shown that the beneficiaries end up being able to help themselves, support their children, and even help other members of their extended family. They are also able to participate in church activities financially such as paying their tithes and giving quality offerings. They can also contribute to community activities. Becoming economically independent also boosts up their self-image in their communities. Because of these great outcomes, economic empowerment of widows is one of our priority areas of intervention.

Marceline Marceline is a great example of such ladies. I call her,

“The lady with many hands”!

Marceline got married very early without completing her primary school education. God blessed her and her husband with five wonderful children. Unfortunately for her, her husband died too soon leaving her unprepared for widowhood. Life was not easy for her and the children. Then someone directed her to HoWiCo then HWOM.

Here is Marceline’s testimony:

“The prayers, encouragement, counsel, education, teachings, love and financial assistance I received from HWOM transformed my life to be what I am today. My faith in God was greatly enhanced. My children don’t only know Jesus, they are serving Him in various ways.” Marceline continues:

I decided to go back to primary school, sat in the same class with my children, studied, wrote my end of course exam, succeeded and obtained my First School Leaving Certificate. I proceeded to evening school Where I obtained my GCE “O” and “A” Level certificates. With more encouragemet and support from HWOM, I continued to Teacher Training College where I obtained my Teacher Grade 1 Diploma. And now, I am a head Teacher in a renown private Primary Schools at the capital city.

My first daughter is married; the second who holds a university degree in Management and Accounting is also married; my other three children are presently pursuing their studies in the university. I thank God for the encouragement and financiial support from HWOM, some family members of good will, my hard work and the grace of God. My God is good and faithful.”


It is to be noted that while HWOM was assisting Marceline and her two children in school, she did not fold her hands, neither was she sleeping. She did not sell her body to the many men who came after her beauty for money. She did her part of the work very well. She was a godly, loving, hardworking mother, a student, a church leader, a farmer keeping pigs and using the manure together with the fertilizer HWOM assisted her with, to cultivate assorted food crops. Such crops included: corn, beans, cassava, yams, etc. for home consumption and sale of the surplus.

Marceline processed and sold Palm Oil, gari and water foo foo made from her cassava. I remember how she used to carry boiled corn and sweet yams on her head selling in the nearby local market and people used to laugh at her. But she never allowed that to discourage her. She knew what she was doing. She was determined, following the teachings of HWOM to live a decent, successful, Godly life; and to educate her children well – and she did.

Marceline is and exceptional woman! The Woman with Many Hands!Her obedience, faith is God, and hard work paid off excellently – from nothing to a head teacher! Even as teacher she still maintains her many hands: She fries and sells her puff puff (African doughnuts) in her neighbourhood and in her school during break time. After school, she goes to her farm. She still processes and sells her garri and water foo foo especialy during vacation.

Those who used to laugh at her, are now envious of her. Marcelin is now a proud mother and grandmother, a head teacher, a farmer, and a woman of God assisting others who are less-privileged than her. This is what HoWiCo means by “Helping Others Become Better in Life.”

When you see Marceline, she is dressed like a director in some big company. She holds her head up as a successful woman. No more low self-esteem. No more pity party. No more crying and having sleepless nights. Marceline is a successful woman! We give all glory to God for using us to contribute to her success.

Marceline, we are proud of you!


Marceline’ss Message of Encouragement to Young Widows


“I am encouraging you as a young widow myself. If your husband has died and everything has been taken away from, stop crying and stand up! Be determined. Work hard and be prayerful. Do not try to sell your body for money. As a young widow, the men around will come to sympathize with you. Hmmmm, be careful! They are coming to exploit you, contaminate you with STDs and dump you.If this happens and you die, what will become of your children?They will be in a worse situation. These men who are coming to you have their wives and their own problems that they are unable to solve and you think they can solve yours? They are deceiving you. Work hard and depend on God and will see how He will bless everything that you lay your hands on to do.

More importantly give your children Christ and encourage them and get them involved in Christian activities. That is what HWOM taught me to do. If you do this faithfully, you will testify tomorrow like me.

Know that while you do this, people will insult you, laugh at you and call you names as they did in my case. Don’t be discouraged or give up. Be determined and keep going forward trusting God for the best for you and your children. That is what I did and I am testifying today. Tomorrow can be your turn!”

Is there someone in dire need somewhere wanting to give up on life? Cheer up and be encouraged by this testimony!





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